The Crucible of Order
What an amazing weekend folks! No, I am not talking about the SportsBall Game “Yay, non-athletic nerds!” I am talking about the release of Robert Ross’ newest book in the Sentinels of Creation series entitled A Crucible of Order. This weekend saw the release of the latest book in the series, bringing the return of these characters that I know and love so well.
By this point in the game, I am starting to feel like Kellan and Shannon are actual friends. I miss them when I don’t hear from them for so long and when I do finally get to hang out with them, we pick up right where we left off.
Author Robert Ross has brought these characters and many more to life yet again in this latest installment of the Sentinels world. We get more of Shannon and Meghan. More jumping through time. More Mantles. More paradox inducing crossed paths (Paradox, Shannon, not pair-of-dogs)!
I don’t want to ruin any surprises that you might find in this one, so I will not give any more spoilers than that. But I highly recommend that you go out and get this one RIGHT NOW!
If you are new to the series, first go get Sentinels of Creation: A Power Renewed to get started on this Urban Fantasy adventure.
Ross does a fantastic job with inter-character dialogue and witty banter. His quick witted writing leads to fun, interesting, believable characters that make me feel like I actually know them in real life. They are not just plot devices, but actual characters! Truly a pleasure to get to narrate this series and bring these characters to life and give them a platform to be heard.
If you do like the series, make sure to leave some reviews. They are the indie-author’s lifeblood and the best way to make sure they keep doing what they are doing. I also greatly appreciate your feedback on the audiobook performances as well. Helps me to know what I am doing right and what I need to work on.
Thanks everyone and Happy Listening!